Hello darlings, I don't know about you guys, but this weather is really making me want to bust out some old baking recipes! It's also the season for baking, amiright? Something about the chill in the air, the cool breeze and all the fuzzy …
The Best Pumpkin Pie
Hello my loves, I'm not kidding when I say that everyone is obsessed with this pie. It has such wonderful spices and is so much better than the basic pumpkin pie recipe on the can. It really is the best pumpkin pie! I use a traditional, …
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Pear Ginger Crumble
Okay, YUM. This recipe is adapted from one I found online, by none other than Martha Stuart. I always like to add my own twist to recipes though! I'm a big fan of crumbles. The buttery, chewy, crunchy topping....the soft and perfect fruit. They …
10 Essential Items Every Cook Needs
For those darlings who might not have all the tools in the kitchen, I’ve compiled a list of my *must haves* for you and I’ve included whether you should splurge or save! I’m gonna assume that every kitchen with a cook has the basic flour, sugar, …