Gobble gobble you turkey heads! If you’re at all like me, you stuff your face every Thanksgiving to the point of unbuttoning your pants. Guilty. Hey, when else is it acceptable? You’re either surrounded by your family, half of which have probably changed your diapers, or you’re with your friends for a classic Friendsgiving. Nobody judges.
I’m also that relative that can be found in the next room squeezing in some sort of a workout before the big meal.
A little (not so secret) secret about me, I’m a certified Pilates Instructor. I get paid to teach classes and make other people feel good. I’m the type of person that either goes all in or not at all so I tend to go hard in my classes. Granted, some days are harder than others to find the motivation to work out. But reeeaaalllyy try to find it at least 3 times a week.
I’m hoping this Pilates-esque ab workout gives you the same challenge it gives me! All you need is comfy carpet or a mat to do this on! And maaayyybe a hand weight if you have one on hand.
15 Ab workout staaarrtttss NOW!
- Hundreds. Laying on your back, bring your knees to table top (90 degrees), belly pulled in (no space between your back and the ground), arms overhead, inhale, exhale bring your arms down by your side, extend your legs out at 45 degrees, and pulse your arms. Inhale for 5 pulses and exhale for 5 pulses. Count to 100.
- Single Leg Pull. Immediately from hundreds, pull one straight leg in towards your torso and extend the other leg straight down hovered above the ground, alternate legs. Do 30 leg pulls total. Breathe.
- Leg Lifts. Lower your head down to the mat, both legs are straight up, belly pulled in, inhale, exhale and lower both legs down hovering them above the ground, inhale both legs up, exhale repeat. Do 10.
Hug your knees into your chest and take 2 breaths. 🙂
- Butterfly crunches. Both feet down on the mat, knees bent, feet together knees together, let your knees fall open so the bottoms of your feet are touching, bring your arms straight up, overlapping your hands, belly pulled in, inhale, exhale lower your arms, lift your shoulder blades up off the ground and pulse, reaching towards your toes and never letting your shoulders touch the mat. Do 20.
- Crunches. Bring knees to 90 degrees, hands behind the head, belly pulled in, inhale, exhale lift shoulder blades up and pulse. Do 20.
- Straight Leg Crunches. Immediately after, put your legs straight up, belly pulled in, hands behind the head, inhale, exhale lift shoulders and pulse. Do 20.
Hug your knees in and be happy you’re almost done!
- Side Planks. 30 second still plank, then do 10 pulses up with your hips, 30 second still plank, then pulse for 10. Repeat other side.
- Russian Twists. You most likely know these. Grab a 5 pound weight or medicine ball if you have one, sitting up, feet and knees together, knees bent, lift your feet, find your balance, and twist to either side. Try to touch your opposite hand down on each twist for a deeper twist. Do 15 on each side.
- 1 Minute Plank. You know this. Geeettt iiiittt.
These are some of my favorite ab exercises! I never said it’d be easy 😉
Did you like? Let me know!
xox Tessa